Transformative Self-Healing
Photo by Clea G. Hall
Self-Paced or with a CCT Teacher, the Transformative Self-Healing Program lets you learn and use the CCT energy tools and techniques for yourself personally in the comfort of your own home, in your timing. Got a busy work schedule? Relax at the end of the day, and rejuvenate with the tools and techniques that are easy to use.
This program covers how to set up your energy fields for protection, while creating greater connection with others. and the transformative healing and manifesting protocol that will revolutionize your life. You can be a first time learner about energy or an experienced master and get great results. This course introduces you to the new energy available on the planet now. Through the use of easy scripts (like a human energy app!) you can get consistent results every time.
“I am so excited to be able to work on myself with these great energy techniques. I am fascinated with all things about sacred geometry!”
Expressing Your Purpose
Are you highly creative but feel blocked in your expression? Do you yearn to dive deep into the wellspring of your purpose? Do you want to be in the flow of creating more easily? Then this is the energy protocol for you!
In a live webinar class, you'll heal your creativity, connect with your Purpose through a special meditation, and learn how to channel your Purpose through creative expression. Discover how your intuition and creativity help each other, and how easy it is to get past mental and emotional blocks when you're working/playing with your Purpose.
“I used to wonder if there was something in particular I should be focusing on when I was creating. I would start one thing and then switch to something else. With this protocol I am able to finish my creative project and know that it is aligned to my highest purpose. No more doubt about what to create! ”
Crystalline Kids or Animals
Photo by Clea G. Hall ©2016
Learn how to apply Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ to your kids or animal companions. Class is taught through a webinar format after taking Professional Levels 1 and 2. You'll learn a variety of energy techniques to use with your crystalline children or your animals. Learn crystalline telepathy with your children and animal communication with your animal companions!
“This was an amazing class. Being able to feel part of the herd or the pack, connected to Earth and communicating with animals has been sheer joy. Knowing I can also help them energetically is the icing on the cake.”