Happy Earth Day! (Puff Puff Pant Pant...Did I miss it?)
I love Earth Day even more than my own birthday, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. This year I missed it. I literally slept through it. (Thanks Covid vaccine).
Of course, when you are Earth, everyday is Earth Day. But it’s important to me to take a moment and express my appreciation and gratitude in sacred ceremony. More than ever right now, I need those moments of positive affirmation, that we will arrive at transformation after the chaos. And most of all, I need being in community with like-minded, kindred spirits.
Celebrating Earth Day is about celebrating this great community of life with fellow humans, animals, plants and yes, even microbes. Although at the moment. I’m having a challenge celebrating the Covid virus. I can feel the vibrational frequency of Covid within me now after the vaccine. Its consciousness is just pure nastiness. But guess what??!! It’s inside of Me, so welcome to the transformation dance! We’re going to boogy on down and up into crystalline light. You’re working for me now, Covid. You’re my bitch!
So I’m taking a moment today to affirm my reverence for life and what I stand for.
I stand, (and walk, and run and play) for this amazing planet, creator of life.
I revere life in all of its many forms as the most sacred expression of this planet.
I choose to strengthen my heart with Love, Knowing there are better times coming for all of us. That this has all been part of a huge cycle of global transformation whose outcome will be sweet goodness, realignment to honoring life in all of its forms, and creating higher levels of consciousness.
I align my words, actions and energy to help create a new sustainable relationship between Earth and humans.
And I am deeply and eternally grateful that I have powerful energy tools and techniques that I can use to heal, support and honor Earth, creator of life. Every day.
Always and in all ways.
My Earth Day prayer: May I receive the gifts of life and love that Earth brings me and honor those gifts by loving my Self more every day.