New Earth Reiki: A Complete Program for Beginner to Advanced Healers
If you are new to energy healing, learn a complete system for healing to work with yourself, your family and your animal companions.
If you are already a Reiki practitioner, "update" the power of the Reiki energy that channels through you to get bigger and better results.
The Back Story:
In 2004, I was using Reiki as my primary energy healing system. I had written a book/program about it and was planning on publishing it. Then during a meditation a new energy protocol dropped in. Called Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ it became my focus for the next 15 years. My Reiki program got shelved.
Last fall I asked myself which book should I start on next? (I've got several planned...) I kept hearing "Reiki" like a song that wouldn't get out of my head. So I got out my manuscript from 2004 and took a long look at it. Was it possible to update it...particularly into the New Earth energies? I decided to give it a try. I thought that at most it would take a month. Ha! I wrestled and wrestled and resisted and resisted with it for five months. I finally hit a big wall last month and decided to let it all go...
And then something happened. Reiki shifted into the New Earth energies with the tools of Crystalline Consciousness Technique. And I fell in love with Reiki all over again. The book and program were finished in 5 days.
Now I'm excited to launch my new energy healing program: New Earth Reiki: A complete program for beginning and advanced healing practitioners.
I am most excited about the new Reiki Attunements that were created with CCT tools. As an activation/attunement junky these knocked my socks off (and a few other items of clothes, too!) The program is worth it just for these attunements (which are very healing) and are received directly from the Reiki Guardians. But the manual is also full of great meditations and energy techniques besides the attunements. Here's a glimpse at what you'll experience and learn:
What's in the New Earth Reiki Manual?
Chapter One: The New Earth
Why and how the Earth and life shifted into a Crystalline state
Crystalline Energy System Activation
Why you want to have a Crystalline Energy System
Chapter Two: Setting Up Fields
Get protection while doing energy healing and amplify the Reiki energy with this technique
Similar to Setting Up Fields in CCT, this Setting Up Fields protocol has been created just for Reiki practitioners
Receive a New Earth Reiki Symbol in an energy meditation and learn how to create energetic integrity
Receive an activation for Setting Up Fields
Learn the protocol
Chapter Three: Energy Anatomy
Whew! Big chapter! But it primes your intuition when doing healing sessions with others.
Covers Subtle Bodies; Emotions; Chakras; Vertical and Horizontal Energy Streams
Chapter Four: Intuitive Communication
Reiki increases all levels of intuitive perception. Receive guidance for this aspect.
Learn muscle testing to check your interpretation
Learn about the Reiki Guardians and your guides
Chapter Five: New Earth Reiki I
Now you're ready to dive in!
Attunement for NE Reiki Level 1
Reiki Level 1 Symbol and how to use it
Chapter Six: New Earth Reiki II
Get the next level Attunement (suggested wait time is one month after the first Attunement)
Learn the Reiki II symbols and how to use them
Begin doing healing sessions on others
Reiki Hand positions
Chapter Seven: New Earth Reiki III
Get your 3rd Reiki Attunement (a power house!)
Learn the Reiki III symbols and how to use them
Putting together a complete session with all the symbols
How to do a Distance Session
How to work on Animals (horses, cats and dogs...oh my!)
The Basic Package has the manual plus recorded energy meditations, activations and Attunements. Price is $59.95. Enroll here now!