Do You Know What Phase of Transformation You Are In?
Thanks to all who participated in our CCT Conference held in June at the Diamond J Ranch in Montana. Our primary goals were to get updated on some of the CCT protocols and to share tablework and soul chart sessions with each other. And of course, to be in that great CCT energy that we all love!
I want to take a moment and share the lovely questions we came up with to help us realize what phase of transformation we might be in with a project. Use these questions for journaling and reflection.
Am I in Opening/Beginning?
The first phase of transformation is all about the feeling state of anticipation or quickening. Something inside of you recognizes that something new is about to come into your life. Use this time to make room for something new. Bring closure to old projects. Declutter your desk, house, etc. Disengage from the outside world and focus within. Ask the following questions...
- What's inspiring me?
- What's drawing me forward?
- What would I do if I couldn't fail?
- How can I make room in my life (schedule, day) for something new?
- What am I choosing from the infinite field of possibilities?
Am I in Chaos/Creativity?
The second phase of transformation is about creativity, creating, and taking action. When we're connecting to our purpose and expressing it creatively we feel wild joy. Get out of your head and just express your self out in the world! If chaos is expressing itself as drama, get focused on expressing your creative energy in some way. Use the following questions that resonate with you...
- What am I creating/doing now?
- Why did I start this?/What's my motivation?
- Am I in competition or resistance instead of expressing?
- What action to I want to take now?
- How can I bring my own essence into "this" (Project, action, etc).
Am I in Mastery/Success?
The third phase of transformation, Mastery is when we bring right closure to our project, transformation as it reaches its highest potential. The feeling sense is one of deep-body satisfaction and completeness (wholeness). Those who don't want to move out of the wild joy of creating might sabotage themselves at this point. Use any of the following questions for reflection:
- How do I know when I'm finished?
- Am I ready to receive success?
- Has my project reached his highest potential for now?
- What new insights do I have?
- What have I completed, accomplished, succeeded in, observed?
- Am I getting what I really want?
- How can I build on my former successes?
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